Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I do not intend to say much on this weblog between now and the election of a new pope. Predictions of whom the new pope will be or will not be will be swirling about for a while -not to mention a predicted propaganda frenzy by so-called "progressivists" after this pope is buried to try and influence the election of his successor.{2} Much could be said and I will probably release my privately-circulated predictions (with accompanying rationale) on this subject after the election. For those who think I will only post it if I am right, worry not, being right would not be the determining factor in whether or not those predictions are blogged here.{3}

Also, your host would be remiss in not rectifying a long lacuna{4} of gratitude to Christopher Blosser of Against The Grain for noting what this weblog has been saying on the entire subject of fundamental rights in various strains of the culture war context.

Finally, this blog returns to quasi-dormant status for the time being but not before wishing a happy (recent) third blogoversery to Chris Burgwald of Veritas all things considered. Which reminds me...

[Lord] remember Karol Wojtyla (Pope John Paul II). In baptism he died with Christ: may he also share his resurrection, when Christ will raise our mortal bodies and make them like his own in glory. [Eucharistic Prayer III: From The Roman Missal under Masses for the Dead]


{1} Though I may yet persuade a friend to write a complete overview of this pope's accomplishments, personality, and the like in that timespan.)

{2} Political machinations in these situations are of course to be expected. (Particularly for those to whom politics is their religion.)

{3} Though of course in the event of being right, I may have a bit more trumpet fanfare in blogging my predictions and analysis of course :)

{4} Yes it has been about five weeks but in the blogosphere and alternative media, five weeks is a long time.