Friday, July 14, 2017

Points to Ponder:

"[B]e very slow to characterize your fellow Americans. I know that when people have to run for office they have to say 'I’m smart and my opponent’s dumb,' or 'I’ve got better ideas than my opponent.' That’s politics there’s nothing wrong with that. But, I get very very concerned when I hear people start characterizing their opponents as stupid. I still understand that because politics is a little rough and tumble at times, but I don’t buy it and when they start calling each other either crazy or evil. You and I, we don’t compromise with crazy people or evil people. And so, I don’t think that’s helpful. Generally speaking, just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t make them crazy or evil.

By sitting down and talking with them, after having a good strong argument, going out and having a root beer with them, maybe showing up at the same church, maybe going to the hospital to see their kid when they’re having their appendix out, reminds you that they’re human beings too. There’s no reason to get all worked up as if someone is evil or crazy. For one thing, none of us are perfect and all-knowing, so this might be their right, and that’s why I don’t care for ideological people. It’s like those people just want to stop thinking. They know what they think, they don’t read anything but one newspaper that agrees with them or they watch only one television news show because it reinforces them, instead of listening to the ones that don’t agree with them. So, I think the way you get over it is, you take people one at a time and you give them the same credit you give yourself and your ideas." 
[James Mattis: Interview With A High School Student]

Thursday, July 13, 2017

It’s Not Treason, but It’s Not Defensible, Either

Read more at:

The introduction says it about as well as I would have so I will simply quote it here as my comment on the rest of the article it is part of. Without further ado...

"One of the rules you should try to follow, if you talk or write about politics, is to apply the same basic standards and rules for longer than just whatever gets you through the current news cycle. That’s true of what you think is right and wrong and scandalous, and it’s doubly true of what’s legal and illegal. The rule of law exists so that we know what rules apply to our friends and political foes alike..."
Q-and-A on the Vatican's recent instruction on bread, wine for Communion
Points to Ponder:

Those who are gung ho about not vaccinating their kids and who refuse to should wear a scarlet V in public so if their choices result in others getting infected (or worse), said persons can be more readily identified for possible legal action (if applicable). [Me (circa July 8. 2017)]

Tuesday, July 11, 2017


The Left's Breaking Point
Points to Ponder:

With age may come wisdom but certainly with age usually comes jadedness. [Me (circa July 8, 2017)]
Hillary Clinton looks for her role in midterms

"Hillary should do what she does best...

- Help candidates set up unsanctioned email accounts

- Hand out drills for destroying your harddrives

- Hand out plastic red reset buttons

- Sell uranium to our enemies in order to help fund campaigns" ["Guomino"]

Defense Secretary Mattis Grants Interview To High School Student (And It’s Pretty Good)
Why Seahawks RB/WR C.J. Prosise can live up to the hype