On Geopolitical Issues, the 2006 Elections, Shifting Voting Demographics, Etc.
(Dialogue With
Mark Bonocore --Part III of IV)
This is the third part of a four part thread with part two being viewable HERE and part one viewable HERE. Once again, Mark's words will be in shale font in this four part dialogual sequence with any citing of statements of mine prior to this material being in blue font. Previous citations of Mark's words will be in fire coloured font. Any sources I use will be in darkblue font any exceptions to the pattern just outlined will be explicitly noted.
Okay. I'm back. :-) Sorry I couldn't respond to everything in one "go."
No problemo :)
But, to continue ....
I wrote .....
(Mark B. circa 10/20/05) An artificial creation. Even Blacks who are millionaires will always have a chip on their shoulder. It's a cultural thing. For God sake, look at the numbers. Black and democrat are identifcal demographics; which is of course why the dems here on the East Coast are ruining the cities by constantly expanding Black neighborhoods and driving White people into the burbs. I saw this happen to Philadephia over the last decade or so, and the other cities are no different. The old, immigrant neighborhoods are all gone now, and there is not one section of the city with a solid White or ethnic-White population, whereas there are many areas with a solid Black population. This is no accident. It is a re-districting technique used by democrates to keep them in power. It is now impossible for a Republican (esp. a White Republican) to be elected mayor of Philadelphia, for example.
I am not familiar with Philadelphia but Seattle is no picnic either my friend, believe me :)
I believe it. Again, it is by design. "Black" and "Democrat" are the same demographic.
I think it has been a part of a larger project to "assimilate" certain ethnic groups into the wider culture which has taken place the past fifty years. Like most projects, I am sure there were some who had good intentions with this idea and others who did not. Indeed, I know that with some who sought this approach they were trying to weaken certain cultural groups...those who wonder why American Catholics were in a better position in the early 1960's to influence the culture than they were in the 1970's, 1980's, 1990's, etc. now have one of the key reasons.
On top of all this, there is no such thing as a true African-American middle class. Any "gains" made among Blacks are temporary at best (their children almost always slide back into an inner-city culture and income level), and all the houses that they supposedly "own" now (Black home ownership supposedly being at an all-time high) are due to HUD and other agencies that give them low interest loans, and cover them when they do not pay their bills on time. The debts that most Blacks in this country live with would terrify the average suburban working man. Yet, the infrastructure doesn't care because we live in a low-interest economy right now and Blacks are great spenders, whereas White people stash their money away. This situation won't last forever, though; and when it changes, you will see thousands of Blacks loose their homes and an increase in state-sponsored public housing to put a roof over their heads. African-Americans are one screwed up people (just ask a native African, they'll tell you ;-)) and there is no sign of the wholesale dysfunction going away any time soon.
We shall see. The Democrats have promised them the moon and stars for seventy-three years now and have not delivered.
But neither have the Republicans, nor will they.
The Republicans have not promised them anything except freedom...albeit the latter has been rather loosely defined.
Most Blacks in America would rather have the promise of free stuff someday than be told that they have to succeed on their own ---that it's all up to them (the Republican doctrine). It's simple human nature, esp. coming from the cultural position that Black Americans are coming from.
We have been seeing in the past twenty-five odd years a trend across all demographics moving away from the old structures that favoured the Democratic base at the state and local levels Mark. Furthermore, unlike in the past, there are actually activists in the black community seeking to encourage a more Republican approach to these matters (albeit they do not call it that).
Then the demographic will always stand against us, ergo they are (as "Reverend" Jackson would say) "a moot point." :-) And so, the Democratic technique of securing a Black majority in every major American city is something to worry about.
But if we can get 15-30 percent of them consistently, that will break a major constitency for the Democrats.
If their present population stays the same. But, it's growing. :-) And, not only that, but lower-income White people are consistently inter-marrying with them, and becoming part of their "urban" culture. This is not a good thing.
True. However, this happens to be the demographic that the abortion-promoters most frequently target so (to some extent) they are keeping this growth in check.
The only way the constitency works is consistently delivering a 90% black vote...shave a bit of that off and the constituency is broken.
I believe Dick Morris says it has to be 1/3rd. I don't see that happening any time soon.
It can be done with 20-25% approximately. Bob Dole got (if memory serves) 13% of the black vote in 1996. Of course the reason he got it was Jack Kemp on the ticket...that is what Republicans need: someone such as Kemp. He is bright, economically solid overall, has spent a fair amount of time in the inner cities, and has demonstrated explicitly compassion for the inner-city people. This is the sort of leader the Republicans need to make the best inroads in that area. I think Karl Rove is right that the constituency to court for Republicans is the Hispanic; however they are not going about that correctly at the present time.
And, given the nature of the issue, the conservatives are more than happy to believe the fairy tale too, since they also have Black friends and colleagues and don't want to appear "racist"
Mark, it cannot be denied that there is a broader base of blacks with greater financial capabilities than there was twenty-five years ago.
It sure looks that way, huh? :-) But, two things: This did not create a culture of Black conservatism (most are still liberals).
Old habits die hard. There are a lot of conservatives who still vote Democratic or at least relate to them as "their people." My late father did. From 1964-2000, he only voted Democrat for president twice (both times against Nixon). But it was not until the late 1980's-early 1990's that it was pressed upon him (by me) that he was wrong to identify himself as a Democrat since he was far too conservative for that label to stick north of Mason Dixon. But he was a union man and need I say more??? The same kind of "brand loyalty" applies here with other groups...there is a knee-jerk reaction against Republicans based on decades of lies from the Democrats.
Heck, it was even spun that the Democrats supported the civil rights movement and the Republicans did not. I have news for you: it was
Republicans who got the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed and the Voters Rights Act of 1965. The party of slavery opposed both of these measures but the revisionists managed through the old media monopolies to convince the blacks that the opposite was the truth.
It did not improve Black family life or produce a situation in which affluent Blacks pass their wealth down to their kids in legacy
That is common to people who come into wealth for the first time and do not know what to do with it.
(Blacks are terrific spenders ...which is why so much of the consumer market and Madison Ave. advertising is geared toward them ...ever notice that? ;-)), and a large percentage of the "greater financial capabilities" that you refer to are in the form of what might be called "societal junk bonds" ---that is, the fact that credit card companies and other institutions (both commercial and governmental) keep giving them the ability to buy, putting them in debt up to their eyeballs. The housing situation is the same. This facade can drop at any time, and a lot of Black Americans are going to be seriously screwed.
And the more someone has financially, the more they become aware of just what a predator the federal government really is.
That is the "rosey picture" I refer to. :-) You are assuming that Blacks in America really understand this or have the cultural ability to understand and implement it. Most do not.
See my previous statements.
They see the government as their "protector" (esp. when it's run by democrats). And, since you admit that most Blacks will continue to be duped by Democrats, it therefore follows that their culture will always call to them to "give back" --that is, to support their less fortunate "homies" via the governmental security blanket. The only way for a Black man in this country to TRULY pull away from that, is to follow the OJ Simpson model and turn his back completely on the Black "community" (they seem to love that word ...which really means "ghetto," btw ;-)) and become what Blacks refer to as an "oreo" --that is, "Black on the outside, White on the inside."
You may find this strange (in light of all I have said) but I agree with you on this one. The "community" they refer to is a self-perpetuating spiral of sorts and what is needed is rebuilding or leaving it if they want to avoid being sucked down into the morass.
Look at OJ before the trial. He lived in a White neighborhood, had a White wife, all his friends and business associates were White, his career was geared toward a White audience for the most part, etc., etc., etc. By conservative/Republican standards, OJ "made it." And, when he was accused of murder, Black people saw this as the just reward for what he had done ---how "Whitey had to get him" because he had too much success. This is why Black America rallied around him --not because they particularly liked him, or because they thought it was good that two White people were killed, but because it validated their culture to see OJ beat the rap ...after they had "welcomed him home," of course. And I point all of this out to illustrate how it's much more than a financial issue. It's about "loosing one's Blackness" and the cultural ties connected to that. Unless ALL Blacks become conservatives, then none of them really will. There will be Black Democrats, and minority "apostates from the cause." That's all. We are dealing with a highly tribal society here.
Then we need to create a new "tribe" of sorts...not necessarily a large one but 20-25% of the population.
The way out of the mix is to increase the financial base of the black community overall with a program encouraging investment in the urban communities by businesses along with promoting the responsibility that is necessary when one comes into monetary largesse.
Try it. :-) It won't work.
It has not been tried.
You are trying to apply a very "White" solution to a non-White culture.
If that does not work, then look to build a different "tribe."
It is not an easy fix but it is what will be needed if they are ever as a group to escape the vicious cycle they are in.
But, only a White man really sees it that way, Shawn. :-) The problem is that most Blacks think they are fine, that eveything is the White man's fault, and that they are beyond criticism. And, even when ...make that, especially when ...a successful Black points out the real problem to them (as Bill Cosby did referring to the specific problems with Blacks and education last year), they become outraged and immediately accuse this person of "getting too White." :-) This is one screwed-up people --an uncivilized people, meaning that they have no direct or intimate connection to our Western Civilization. Capitalism alone is not going to fix them. It's going to require much, much more.
I do not believe "capitalism alone" fixes anything Mark.
Shawn, do you live anywhere near a Black neighborhood or a predominately Black city? I do. :-)
I have spent time in black neighbourhoods in Seattle Mark.
Hee hee. :-) I don't mean to make fun, Shawn, but a Black neighborhood in Seattle is like the suburbs here. Seriously. :-)
Rainier Avenue in Seattle is predominantly black as is Martin Luther King Jr. Way which intersects it.
To see what it's really like, you have to spend a day in Harlem, or North Philadelphia, or Watts. In fact, a Black buddy of mine, who is an AC (Assistant Cameaman) from Los Angeles came here to Philly to work on a movie one time. We were driving through North Philly and his reaction was hilarious. He said, "Dear God, this is a REAL ghetto! Those brothers ...meaning the gangs ... causing all that trouble in LA ought to come here and see what a gangster neighborhood is really like!" :-) He was literally frightened. And it's that way, not only in Philly, but in all the East Coast cities: NY, Boston, Baltimore, Wilmington...and, perhaps worst of all, D.C. These places look like Nazi Germany after the War. They are that bad.
And easterners wonder why many people out west despise them (present company excluded of course). Nonetheless, if what you say is true, then it explains why we are approaching this so differently.
It is amazing that people can actually live like this. But, no one wants to build or conduct business there, because it's too dangerous and someone will just destroy your enterprise. OJ himself found that out the hard way in LA, since most of the fast-food franchises that were destroyed in the 1992 riots (in Inglewood) were owned by him. :-) None of them bothered to rebuild.
Methinks this is what Jack Kemp had in mind with the whole "enterprise zones" idea: situations such as what you have in Philly. (I can see why you are approaching this as you are after the above description.)
I have black friends (albeit not many) and some black associates. But I will not allow this to become a "you cannot discuss this without experience" argument since that is a fallacious form of argumentation.
Oh, I certainly agree. And that wasn't my point at all. My point is that it helps to see it up close in order to understand the real nature of the problem. Trying to solve it "from afar" --that is, from the point of view of suburban White America, doesn't work. This is of course what most White conservatives do. And those Whites who do explore the problem closely are usually liberals who just want to pretend they "feel their pain" or who get won over to the Black mentality, which of course cannot fix the problem. What is necessary is for White conservatives to truly analyze the problem up close as opposed to just "on paper." If they did this, then they would see what I am arguing for here ---the idea that the problem is primarily cultural, not economic, and not to be fixed by a capitalist remedy.
To be perfectly honest, of all Black leaders, I think that Malcom X (who was an idiot otherwise) got a large piece of the puzzle right. He called for Blacks in America to establish their own nation. Now connect that to what Ben Franklin said to justify our split from Great Britain. He said how Americans are a different people --how they are rougher, simpler, more violent, less refined; and then topped this off by proclaiming, "We are a new people, we require a new nation." Well, .... I think that Black Americans are a true people unto themselves. They (for the most part) certainly see themselves this way. And so, if they are a people, we do them a great injustice by trying to force-fit them into our people --our nation. They should have their own. And I think it will eventually come to this.
Hmmmm, that is possible certainly.
Let me tell you from experience, it's not that way in reality.
Depends on what part of town you are in. In neighbourhoods it is mixed. In the projects, your assessment is correct.
Well, the "mixed" neighborhoods here don't work either. :-)
There the result is mixed at best. (But then again, Seattle is a wholly owned subsidiary of liberalism which explains the mixed bag at best situation.)
Most Black people in this country do not have the same concept of ownership that White people do. Rather, all is transitory to them, and the government is always there to bail them out if they get in trouble. That's how they look at it for the most part. This is why Blacks (as a people in this country) will always be Democrats. In essence, we never really got rid of slavery, Shawn.
You are talking to someone who has asserted often over the many years that the Democratic party is and always has been the party of slavery Mark.
Well, then we are on the same page. :-)
Different paragraphs though in spots :)
All we did was take "ownership" and "responsiblilty for" the slave culture away from the private sector in the South and give it to the state and federal governments. Think about it. One can point to all the Black "success stories" you want. They are far from the norm and do not address the real problem.
But there are always necessary precedents that need to be established before you can cultivate growth Mark. I agree with you that by themselves they do not address the problem but they can form part of the solution.
If you have 300 years to spare, perhaps. Look around. Do you think our civilization is going to last that long? :-)
If things do not start changing then the answer to that is no.
(Shawn M. circa 10/19/05) But that is changing slowly and I predict in thirty years, more blacks will vote Republican than Democrat. It happened before (circa 1865-1932) and it will happen again.
What Republicans and Democrats were in 1865-1932 is very different from what they are today, Shawn. We are talking about a socialist state. The Republicans took care of the Blacks in the early days;
Define "the early days" Mark.
I refer to the transition after the Civil War. The Republicans freed the slaves; ergo the Republic became "massa." That is of course understandable.
Freedom is not a state of mind easily cultivated. I would argue that the blacks as a rule never had it properly cultivated.
And in what sense are you claiming that they "took care of the black" since, say 1865??? By passing the fourteenth amendment??? That was not an innovation but instead a recognition of rights that they had been denied up to that point.
:-) Frederick Douglas' old argument? I think that argument is full of holes, Shawn. I don't think there is any reference (implicit or otherwise) to the rights of African slaves in our Constitution. This was an interpretation created by the Abolitionists, just as "sola fide" was created in the mind of Luther and not in the NT.
The Constitution was built upon the
Declaration of Independence which proclaimed that
"all men [were] created equal." The blacks being people too would therefore fall under that umbrella.
Furthermore, the fifth amendment in the Bill of Rights noted specifically that:
"No person shall be...deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law."
The slaves were deprived of all three and there was no due process of law involved.
The fourteenth amendment therefore was giving to them what they had been denied up to that point despite the fifth amendment's clear injunctions to the contrary. Ergo, my original argument remains intact.
As for taking care of them, the Republicans (mostly to rub the Confederates' faces in it) granted all sorts of benefits and concessions to the Black slaves after the war (e.g. appointing Black judges in the south, etc.). This was the primary reason why the KKK came into being.
A bit of a simplistic interpretation but I will let it slide for the time being ;-)
the Democrats took that over and made it into a seriously socialist phenomenon ( e.g. "It takes a village" --an African proverb). Trust me, Republicans are not going to win these people back with a doctrine of personal responsibility and the pursuit of personal excellence. Even the Whites in this country would rather have the state take care of them than seek success on their own. In a climate like this, do you think that Black America will become Republican??? :-)
Three points:
---I do think over time the blacks in America will become a majority Republican constituency again...how long it will take I am not certain.
a) You are very optimistic; and b) expect the Second Coming first. :-)
You mean Christ's final coming I presume. One could argue that Christ came again within the generation of the apostles as He predicted He would...but I want to avoid getting into preterist arguments since that would distract from the subjects at hand.
The demographics the past twenty-five years have shifted significantly and they are continuing to move in a fashion opposed to the old alignments.
If you say so. I see the reality behind the numbers up close, however. :-)
Philly is not the rule Mark but the exception...
And it's not pretty.
I have never heard anyone say Philly was actually "pretty"...
We do not have to worry in the short term about anything except getting a little from that group more than we have. Depending on the election, the black Republican vote is 10-15%. If we can shave off 10% more from that base (which can be done and would not be that difficult to do) then the black Democrat constituency is broken. The Democratic party has a bunch of groups which they require a near unanimity on to win elections -among them the blacks and the liberal Jews: 90% of which always vote Democrat. All that is needed to make those blocks not do their part is a small percentage of them more for our side...10% each.
And as long as the Democrat machinery keeps dominating the major cities, what then??? Remember, Bush won by a narrow margin. If Ohio had had a better Black turn-out, he would have lost. Most of the Red States are in rural areas.
This is
---The Republicans have only recently began taking notice of the black constituency. Reagan's economic policies built the black middle class (what of one there is) but he did not directly target the black community. (Indirectly yes via "enterprise zones" but not directly.) Bush Sr. took the first steps in appointing the first conservative black justice to the court and Colin Powell rose to stature as head of the Joint Chiefs. For all of his talk about being "ethnically empathetic", Clinton did not do diddley squat in this area. Meanwhile, for all of his problems, W has at least shown through appointments of qualified minorities to key positions in his administration that the Republicans do not represent the stereotype that was often portrayed.
Indeed, W's administration may well be shown in the future to have been the turning point for consideration of the Republican party by blacks. Only time will tell but progress has been made.
:-) At the risk of sounding racist ...AGAIN .... I think that both Colin Powell and Condie are incompetent "poster children."
Condoleeza Rice is a very brilliant woman actually. I heard her speak when I was in college back when she was billed as a "Soviet expert" and she was a qualified pick by the president. As far as Powell goes, I am not in a position to say...certainly he was not a good Secretary of State but compared to Half-Bright his predecessor, he comes out looking like Einstein...
I suspect that many of the idiotic moves of the Bush administration are probably their fault, or caused by the general lack of Machiavellian excellence in this administration --its failure to implement and take advantage of the real, conservative talent of the Republican party. Do you seriously believe that Colin and Condie are the best there are?! COME ON! What about James Baker? What about Lawrence Eagleburger?
Frankly, Walter E. Williams (black economist from Georgetown and probably my favourite columnist) is brighter than both of them put together. It is not a race issue Mark, it is appointing qualified people.
...and there are hundreds more where they came from. Instead of drawing on some real political geniuses out there, Bush (who is no real conservative anyway ...just better than what's run against him) has a government that looks like an Affirmative Action rally! :-)
I agree with you that Bush is no conservative.
Let's be brutally frank: Black Americans come from a savage culture and (partailly due to the fault of Whites) subsist for the most part in a savage culture today.
European pagans were once savage too before they were converted to Christianity. Sorry my friend but I do not buy your first argument.
That's because you fail to implement it historically. :-) And HOW LONG did it take to civilize the European pagans? Centuries. We've under 140 years since the Emancipation Proclamation, and only about 40 years since Civil Rights. And how long after civilizing the pagans of Europe was it before Rome looked to them as true leaders of the civilization? The Franks became Christians in 486. Charlemage was crowned Emperor in 800. That's quite a while. :-)
I am not denying that there is a time factor involved here. However (with all due respect), time is capable of greater movement today in not a few particulars.
What's more, the European pagans were civilized through indoctrination into a "state cult" and a Covenant, making them, in a religious sense ( i.e., system of intimate belief), one people with those who civilized them. Does any of this apply culturally to Black America? No. Our cultural links to them are merey popular (i mperfectly popular) and legalistic. There is nothing beyond this.
I (of course) favour building structures of this sort. But I am but one man Mark and the number of people who view these things correctly is still in a serious minority.
Hell, I have had a hard enough time finding interest in these matters with Catholics at St. Blogs and on discussion lists who SHOULD find it of interest if they are truly interested in changing the culture we find ourselves in. Unfortunately, it is easier to gripe about the surface and superficial even among those who are our brethren in the faith.
Furthermore .... As I said above, the only way to truly civilize someone is to have them break with the savage culture to which they belonged. When Charlemagne's Christian Franks faced the pagan Saxons or Frisians --their ethnic Germanic cousins --they did not see themselves in them, but considered the Romans and Byzantines to be "their people" --sharing the same faith and the same civilization. It would have to be the same with "civilized" Black Americans -- i.e., the "oreos" referred to above. And look at the result. Colin Powell is the first Black man to be Secretary of State. Condie is the first Black woman. Does Black America care about this?! Is it proud of it? HELL no! :-) They are just "Uncle Toms" and "oreos." They're not "Black." That's how the culture sees it.
I agree with you. (For that matter, throw in Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court.)
It was no different for the ethnically-Vandal Roman general Stilicho. He was a German like the German barbarians he fought against. But, did they see him as a German? No. They saw him as a Roman sell-out. :-) Ergo, we are still in a cultural situation in which most Blacks are not Americans are we are (culturally), but of another "nation." And, if a Black joins us and serves with us, he suddenly no longer belongs to their nation. This is simply the reality. And it is not something that the liberals imposed on them; it's what most Black Americans believe.
Thankfully, they are only twelve percent of the population huh???
Lastly, ... While the pagan Europeans were "barbarians," they were not "savages." There is a difference. A "savage" is a human being who lives like an animal. A "barbarian" is merely an uncultured human being. The worst pagan tribes of Europe still shared many basic values with Greeks and Romans, even Christian Greeks and Romans. The pagan Celts had a lofty and noble sense of moralty (which is why Christianity took off so quickly in Ireland), and the German pagans, as Tacitus tells us, were "salt of the earth" and very loyal to their monogamous marriages, etc., whereas Romans of the day were not. Now look at the "back woods" West Africans who the sea coast West Africans (influenced by centuries of Berber, Arab, and Portuguese culture) sold into slavery. These people were savages. They had no sense of civilized marriage or proper respect for human life, even among their own kind! And while certain tribes were a little better than others, if you compared a 17th Century Mandingo to a 3rd Century Visigoth or Slav, you would see a remarkable difference. But, this, again, is something we are not supposed to talk about or explore. :-) Rather, we are suppose to see tribal Mandingos as our cultural equals in every way. Praise be to Alex Haley, custodian of "historical truth"! :-)
Your points are noted. But to deal with this properly is to deal with the failure to evangelize the culture of Africa for centuries in part.
The second one (that there is a savage culture today which exists in part because of what Whites did) is certainly true.
Yes, insofar that White's perpetuated it. But, we did not create it, as is often the argument.
I said "in part" for a reason...
When Romans, for example, took Celtic or German slaves, these people (even if abused) were implemented into Roman culture. The Blacks were held at a distance and never permitted to adopt mainstream American culture as their own. Thus, they invented their own "bastard" culture; and, because our true national culture is so sick, this bastard culture had become validated and adopted as a norm. How sick is that?
Good points.
No one dares to say this because they fear being called a racist. :-)
You have said it and (if I blog this) I will have said it too by concurrence (to some extent). Frankly, I do not care what people call me...I have been called worse than a racist in my day, believe me ;-)
Well, of course. You are, after all, a stinking Irishman! :-) ...JUST KIDDING!
I figure if we're going to be "racist," let's be racist all round. Now call me a dego wop and be done with it! :-) Hee hee.
Thou hast said it ;-)
Yet, we are also living at a time when White people are also slipping back into savagery ---when Western civilization is falling apart (due to all the "freedoms" with have via democracy --the ability to determine "truths" all on our own and without any culture or "cult").
We are seeing problems in this country because claims of freedom are not checked in the name of the common good anymore.
But, if "Freedom" is our only mantra, why should they be?
Freedom has never been the only mantra...and to the extent it is today it has been bastardized.
In our republican form of government, this is institutionalized but guess what: it is not followed. Why do you think the whole Miers nomination has gotten so many people livid??? The reason is because of uncertainty as to what her philosophy is. The Constitution forbids justices from legislating. They are not allowed to invent law yet that is what we have seen in recent decades -particularly since 1954 and Brown vs. Board of Education.
Yes, but this is what our government is evolving into. And, as I said before, there is no mechanism in place to stop this "evolution" / "deevolution" ...call it what you will. Republics unwravel after a while. We are seeing it happen now.
When laws and precepts are not enforced, this happens. The US government structure is different in many respects from the republics of old and those differences are significant. For example, unlike older models there are structures in place in our laws to prevent this but they require
a proper respect for the rule of law and also of legitimate authority. If those are lacking, then we see problems but that should not surprise. After all, when those are lacking,
no form of government is sufficient. That is why in the end, all governments must have a moral/religious foundation to them if not explicitly than at least by logical inference.
Republicans are asking us to take personal responsibility for ourselves and use our Constitutional freedoms to pursue excellence in our civilization. Tell me, from what you know of human nature, do you think people are really going to go for this??? :-) Do you see us really doing it? I don't.
Not without having certain safeguards in place.
Such as??? :-)
To go into that would involve more time than I have here. Besides, it is a subject I have discussed on previous occasions.
And a real respect for the US Constitution would provide some guidelines for that..
How do you legislate "respect"? :-) As I said before, you're counting on human nature. I think that is a mistake.
"Respect" is legislated by virtue of legitimate laws and the proper enforcement of them. It may not be internalized but at the very least it can be externalized through compliance.
along with a recognition that freedom and responsibility are two sides of the same coin of course.
Ah, Brutus! You are a true thinking man and the last of the Romans! :-) Yet, the Ostrogoths are at the gate. ;-)
Well, go to the gate and give them faulty directions...tell them that the city of Rome is actually 1000 miles further east ;-)
And if people who are heirs to Western Civilization are not doing it, do you seriously believe that the Blacks are going to? Something's got to give. If history teaches us nothing else, it teaches us this. The handwriting is on the wall. Indeed, if our ecomony collapsed tomorrow, and we were plunged into another Great Depression, we'd be knifing each other in the streets!
In some quarters, sure.
In the quarters that matter. I'm sure small towns in Kansas will escape that. But, not the capitals.
Maybe not on the eastern seaboard...but there is more to the big picture than the eastern seaboard my friend. (I realize that those inside or close to the Beltway do not often consider this but it is true.)
But there are also some safeguards built into the economy which mitigate against what happened in the Great Depression. For example, you do not have every yahoo and his brother investing on 90% margin anymore as you did then (novices are limited to 50% and experienced investors can go to 70%). The market crashed in part because everything was overleveraged and by people who had no business involving themselves in that. There are also stricter regulations on investment brokers and how the margin requirements are set as well -not just the limited leverage amounts noted above.
This is all true. But, something like the Depression can still happen. All it takes is for the terrorists to nuke NYC or some other kind of big disaster. Look at the dip the economy took because of Katrina. And that's just lil' ol' New Orleans.
Well, to go into how bass ackwards New Orleans city, county, and state governments are would be to write a book. They are hardly par for the course nationally by any stretch.
My point is that our civilization depends entirely on the economy right now. If that rug was ever pulled out from under us, we'd be in real trouble.
This is one of the things that scares me about Republican philosophy. It presupposes financial and economic success, and assumes that a healthy civilization comes from that ( e.g. our approach to Iraq). In other words, it assumes that "freedom" leads to economic success, and ecomomic success is all a country really needs to be content. But, as John Paul warned us, this is a short-sighted view.
That is only one part of the Republican philosophy
True, but it is the most important part. :-)
According to whom???
If anything, you are espousing a Libertarian philosophy Mark, not a Republican one.
No, I am espousing the core of Republicanism, which is rooted in capitalism.
Your view is what Libertarians espouse Mark. The Republican party historically has had moral and economic foundations.
Libertarians are the ones who promote capitalism unfettered by moral constraints. Republicans who are true to classical Republican principles do not.
Go re-read what I wrote above, Shawn. I refer to our presumption (per our policy in Iraq, etc.) that financial success is the basis of civilization (as opposed to "cult," which produces "culture"). This is the very thing that you (a Republican)
I am a registered Independent and have been for nine years Mark.
are asserting when you say that Blacks will advance from what they presently are as soon as they attain more financial success and need to preseve it. This is a Republican belief --- i.e., freedom = opportunity = enterprise = financial success = civilization. But, a healthy economy is presumed in this. For, without a healthy economy, thre is no opportunity. Yet, a true civilization should be able to exist without the opportunity. This is why I cited the Great Depression --to illustrate how we were civilized enough back them (because of our religious values, etc.) to maintain civilzation during a disaster. That would not be the case today, or twenty years from now (given the way we're going).
Again, it is the Libertarians who focus solely on the economic issues and relegate moral matters to the back burner. Classic Republicanism views the man integrally and sees moral issues as
surpassing economic ones. If you want to claim that the problem today is that
Republicans are not true to their own core principles oftentimes, you will get no argument from this former Republican. But to outline a Libertarian approach to issues and claim it is Republican is not accurate my friend...not even close actually. More on this to follow...
To be Continued...