On the Difference Between Objective Meaning and Subjective Intention:
(Musings of your humble servant at
Rerum Novarum)
As readers for some time are not unaware, the subject of problems that impede a proper understanding in dialogue have been written on before at this weblog at sundry times and in diverse manners.{1} However, there is one factor that while perhaps touched on in spots nonetheless has never been publicly developed before by the present writer in and of itself. What the present writer refers to here is something that has no small degree of confusion by many people is the confusion of their intentions with reality. One group who historically has made these mistakes are marxist revolutionary sorts. To briefly reference something written on this weblog back in 2005 pertaining to the subject at hand for illustrative purposes:
The marxists --and every promoter of socialism is a defacto marxist in some form or another[...]-- have a notorious double standard from which they operate. Essentially, they judge their own policies not by the uniform and undeniable[...] failure of their policies every time they have been tried. No, with the marxists it is on the intentions behind their policies that they focus on. But they then judge their political enemies -and America is probably first on that list- by the results of their policies. And since America --despite its overall success as a bastion of freedom unlike any nation in history-- is imperfect, then there are always points that can be focused on to America's discredit. But the marxist intentions of a "paradise on earth" are far more idyllic than the even the significant results that America has achieved. For that reason, the results of marxist policies are ignored while the intentions of the marxists are their point of focus.
Now granted, the marxists fabricated a lot of stuff to make things appear even worse than they actually were but that point aside, there is enough in the historical record without fabrications to enable America to always look bad next to the ideal that marxists claim to repine for. And that is the secret essentially to why marxists can lie, cheat, steal, murder, and commit any atrocity and still be held up as icons for the marxist cause ala the near-veneration of predators like Castro, Guevera, Ortega, Ho Chi Minh, Mao, Lenin, etc. by not a few who disingenuously claim the mantles of "progressivist" or "peacemakers." [Excerpt from Rerum Novarum (circa July 20, 2005)]
The reason it was noted before that every socialist is a defacto marxist is because socialism is the communist tree in an earlier stage of growth.{2} But that is neither here nor there because the purpose of citing the above material in the present posting is to point out an example of the problems that come from confusing intentions with reality. This is what solipsism is as has been noted
before: the self knowing nothing but its own states and their constituent modifications. To such persons, you can reason with them until your hair falls out but they will often not budge. One reason could be because they cannot be reasoned with. Another though can be due to the person confusing reality with their intentions.{3}
If we are dealing with a person's written words, the latter problem can at times make it very difficult to talk with them because while you point out to them
what they actually said{4}, they may take issue with this and shift the ground to what they claim to have
intended. This is a variation of a fallacy called
red herring because it does not pertain to the issue of discussion.{5} In the case of shifting from
emperical evidence of what was said to
subjective intention of the person saying it is to shift from the non-normative to the normative context. Those terms were defined briefly
here and the distinction being made between them is hardly insignificant. Indeed, the difference between what is objectively verifiable and what was subjectively intended is a night and day distinction because one can be verified by empirical evidence objectively and the other cannot.
As time allows for it (and if the mood to discuss them is there), the present writer may cover how certain fallacies of argumentation pertain to the distinction made above and how certain critics of your host involve themselves in these fallacies despite their claims otherwise. But in the meantime, hopefully this brief posting is adequate to point out an important distinction that many who confuse their intentions with reality need to be made aware of.
Among other subject matter pertaining to these matters in some fashion or another. (To note a few of them in brief, there are the subjects of how to dialogue, how to identify and avoid a number of basic fallacies of argumentation both in actuality, outlining many of the flaws in various presumed "methodologies" of argumentation, how to cultivate the skills needed for effective reasoning and logic, the importance of vetting the sources one uses, etc.) [Excerpt from Rerum Novarum (circa February 20, 2007)]
[W]hether I am believed or not, I declare that I do not mean to attack the intentions or the morality of anyone. Rather, I am attacking an idea which I believe to be false; a system which appears to me to be unjust; an injustice so independent of personal intentions that each of us profits from it without wishing to do so, and suffers from it without knowing the cause of the suffering.
The sincerity of those who advocate protectionism, socialism, and communism is not here questioned. Any writer who would do that must be influenced by a political spirit or a political fear. It is to be pointed out, however, that protectionism, socialism, and communism are basically the same plant in three different stages of its growth. [Excerpt from Rerum Novarum (circa November 13, 2002)]
{3} It is not uncommon for these sorts to accuse those who point out what their statements and actions logically involve of being "liars" or of "lying" and often they do this with a degree of personal indignation. The reader should remember that the reason for this is that the person is confusing
objective reality with
subjective intention. Since these people would claim that their
subjective intention is pure, right, or whatever, they view anything that does not support their
subjective intention as a misrepresentation of
objective reality rather than consider the alternative.
The alternative, of course is that the
objective meaning of their statements does not support their later-stated intentions or
subjective intentions. When the latter is properly understood, it is evident that those who point these distinctions out (where they are valid) are not "lying" or "slandering" them but instead are correctly describing the situation objectively and apart from the other person's
subjective intention.
{4} Assuming for a moment that they even bothered to quote the words in context of course. (This is unfortunately no small assumption to be making oftentimes.)
{5} To take the definition of
red herring from the
Merriam Webster Online Dictionary for the sake of reader convenience (all emphasis is the present writer's):
Main Entry: red herring
Function: noun
1 : a herring cured by salting and slow smoking to a dark brown color
2 [from the practice of drawing a red herring across a trail to confuse hunting dogs] : something that distracts attention from the real issue. [LINK]