Miscellaneous Musings on the Critics of Amoris Laetitia and Pope Francis:
To supplement the prior two posts I have published on these matters{1}, these are some random musings I have posted in various forms of social media in the past month or so...
--I wonder how those who are so rigid in one way would like it turned on them? Say those who habitually engage in calumny be told they could not go to communion because to allow it would be to encourage them to remain in their lying state.
Or those who make defacto gods of various cardinals or other bishops after their own liking. We cannot allow them to go to communion lest we confirm them in their sins against the First Commandment.
Or those who have any sort of habitual sin, no matter how they strive to overcome it...we cannot allow them to go to communion because we then encourage them in their sin.
--Remember, not every objectively grave act is automatically a mortal sin. There are a number of potential mitigating factors involved in an individuals subjective culpability for an objective mortal sin.
I think these are matters for someone to work out with their confessor viz if any such matters apply to them at all. Also, that applies to ALL sins, not just ones specifically set aside for special denunciations by various folks be they conservative, liberal, or whatever.
--I find it interesting that those who whine often about Pope Francis and Amoris Laetitia accept without complaint the vicious novelties of that apostate Callistus. Why he obliterated tradition when he appealed to Matthew 16:18 to justify radical and unprecedented reforming of penance protocols from the tradition of only being allowed to receive the sacrament of penance once in a lifetime and for adultery, fornication, and murder to actually be forgiven in said sacrament instead of only after a lifetime of penance. Who did he think he was? And just think: he never bothered to answer the written critiques of Hippolytus and Tertullian -basically dubias of their age from custodians of the TRUE tradition!
{1} Those postings can be read here:
Very Briefly on the Dubia Subject
More on the Controversial Dubia Subject