Friday, January 04, 2019

New Year's Resolutions:

I sketched out in brief the following list back in early December:

--More trips to the gym per week

--Eating healthier

--Losing weight

--Driving less

--Sleeping more

--Drinking even more water

--Reducing clutter in various aspects of life

--Eliminating virtually all talk radio of a toxic nature

--Maintaining and tightening my near-ban on all cable news and other television news

--Getting back to business

--Improving nutritional supplementation

--Smoking more cigars

--Eating less red meat

--Allowing myself to imbibe some alcohol again after implementing the rest of the above list

--Resolving as early in the year as possible my mother in laws housing situation which caused many things to go awry in the past couple of years but either way, no longer allowing this to get in the way of my personal and professional goals

I later appended the following to the list as of January 1st:

--Give even less of a shit overall in 2019 than I did in 2018.

With the publishing of this note, consider the above list as written to be official.

All things to the contrary notwithstanding.

Thursday, January 03, 2019

A general principle worth considering...

If you have nothing nice to say after someone dies, with the rare exception of someone who is truly evil, decent thing to do is to just stay quiet. This isn't hard.

Crazy how many think it's alright to mock or be dismissive of the death of someone whose politics you don't like.
7:14 PM ยท Dec 30, 2018

Sunday, December 30, 2018

A brief notation on the passing of an old friend a few months back has had me questioning since that time a few things for a while including if I even want to continue any involvement in this website and other projects for much longer.{1}

The additional passing of another friend in October of 2018 made me feel in conscience the need to say something about these two friends, the era that defined them, my debt to them, etc. Material composed for that purpose is now completed and will be published after Epiphany 2019. In the meantime, I wanted to take the opportunity of the fifth anniversary of the passing of F. John Loughnan to note that I will speak more about him and Bill Grossklas very early in the new year.

Merry Christmas John and Bill!


{1} There are some postings planned which have been prepared for publishing for quite some time. They will be published at some point in the new year-after that, I am not sure at the moment what else I want to do in these areas.