I sketched out in brief the following list back in early December:
--More trips to the gym per week
--Eating healthier
--Losing weight
--Driving less
--Sleeping more
--Drinking even more water
--Reducing clutter in various aspects of life
--Eliminating virtually all talk radio of a toxic nature
--Maintaining and tightening my near-ban on all cable news and other television news
--Getting back to business
--Improving nutritional supplementation
--Smoking more cigars
--Eating less red meat
--Allowing myself to imbibe some alcohol again after implementing the rest of the above list
--Resolving as early in the year as possible my mother in laws housing situation which caused many things to go awry in the past couple of years but either way, no longer allowing this to get in the way of my personal and professional goals
I later appended the following to the list as of January 1st:
--Give even less of a shit overall in 2019 than I did in 2018.
With the publishing of this note, consider the above list as written to be official.
All things to the contrary notwithstanding.