I noted the following last year:
Tomorrow starts August and the time of year where not a few Catholic sorts who live in a fantasyland rather than reality will publicly engage in a masturbatory ritual of anachronistically virtue signalling their ignorance about certain long ago war events as a way of trying to appear More Virtuous Than Thou.The subject in question is one I have rarely touched on to any degree in recent years for various and sundry reasons except for indirectly, in passing, and ultra briefly as a rule.{1} It was very tiring in years past dealing with theologically bereft, rationally inept, and charitably bankrupt so-called apologists who were tinkling cymbals, seriously in over their heads, and lacking the humility and grace to admit it.
One can only explain to such folks their deficiencies in argument as well as thoroughly vanquish their pathetic offering so many times before realizing that the time is better spent in more fruitful pursuits:{2} the reason in a nutshell why I have more or less ignored this subject for the past decade plus. Well that and to be blunt its just so fucking boring a subject to retread over and over again especially when those who instigate the matter are as a rule so damn dumb on key issues of the subject in general and just as evidently uninterested in authentic dialogue and broadening their simplistic apologetics mentality.{3} However, I did get the germ of an idea a couple of years ago that if I was ever to approach these matters again at some point in the future to do so differently than I previously had. It would basically involve issuing a challenge to those who frankly cannot shut the hell up on this matter.{4}
I will undertake time-willing before the month of August is over a setting forth of the planned challenge in a fairly brief format{5} but at the same time not ignore any significant matter pertaining to it.
But enough on that for now.
{1} The only exception to the rule thus far was this lengthy thread from a couple of years ago:
Commemorating a Controversial Anniversary (circa August 17, 2017)
{2} Such as dialoguing with people who are actually open to the discipline of the dialogue and not phonies who talk the talk but cannot walk the walk.
{3} This is one reason why religious apologetics in general has been at such a nadir in the past decade plus.
{4} Despite their manifested ignorance on it being downright Titanic in its overall scope.
{5} Based on past precedent, it is obvious that these folks are not intellectually capable of interacting with detailed expositions on rational and ethical matters.