Outline For Planned Expository Musing on the Magisterium:
I cannot remember the last time I wrote out an actual outline for a subject I planned to treat on in some detail but this subject is one that has been on my mind from time to time in the past few years. As I put the finishing touches on a piece that will probably be used as one of the references for this project, the idea to set down a skeleton outline of how I am considering treating the subject of the magisterium seems appropriate. Without further ado...
Magisterium Outline:
Introduction and Prefatory Comments on the Subject of Obedience:
a) Introduction
b) On the Nature of Obedience
c) Examples of Obedience in the Writings of the Catholic Spiritual Tradition
d) Newman on the Obedience Owed to the Pope
On the Magisterium: Faith and Morals:
a) Nature and Scope
b) Newman on Faith and Morals
The Popes on Their Magisterial Authority:
a) Clement I
b) Victor I
c) Callistus I
d) Leo the Great
e) Hormisdas I
f) Nicholas I
g) Agatho I
Ecumenical Councils on the Magisterial Authority of Popes:
a) Philip the Roman Legate at Ephesus on Behalf of Celestine I
b) Council of Chalcedon to Leo the Great
c) Council of Constantinople III to Agatho I
d) Council of Constantinople IV
e) Council of Lyons II
f) Council of Florence
g) First Vatican Council
h) Second Vatican Council
On the Magisterium, Extraordinary Matters of Faith:
a) Definitions De Fide
b) Canonizations of Saints
On the Magisterium, Ordinary Matters Pertaining to Faith:
a) Ordinary Universal Magisterium
b) Dogmatic Truths
On the Magisterium, the Authentic Magisterium:
a) Newman on the Syllabus of Errors
On the Magisterium, Matters of Ecclesiastical Discipline
On the Magisterium, Matters of Church Government
On What the Magisterium is Not:
a) Matters of the Prudential Order
1) Matters of Science
2) Matters of Economics
3) Matters of General Politics
I anticipate that the above project will be finished and ready for publication sometime in the spring of 2020.