
Saturday, September 19, 2020

The News as We Once Knew It Is Dead

Well, it is not as if this sort of thing is new{1} but it really has reached previously unfathomable depths the past few years. I do not see how it can possibly get any worse than it is now but then again, I thought that when writing the post in the footnote below and look where we are now.


{1} To note one example from our archives in years past:

Points to Ponder:

Silence is argument carried on by other means. [Ernesto "Che" Guevara]

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

You’ll die at sea.
Your head rocked by the roaring waves,
your body swaying in the water,
like a perforated boat.
In the prime of youth you’ll go,
shy of your 30th birthday.

Departing early is not a bad idea;
but it surely is if you die alone,
with no woman calling you to her embrace:
“Let me hold you to my breast,
I have plenty of room.
Let me wash the dirt of misery off your soul.” [Abdel Wahab Yousif]

Cigars International Opens Second Texas Location

Cigars International has been my main go to source in recent years for premium cigars. 


Whatever else one thinks about him, President Donald Trump has now had more success by far in Middle East peace than Barack Obama or George W. Bush ever did. Israel has signed peace treaties with the United Arab Emirates (August) and now Bahrain (September). Oman is apparently next up. If that deal is inked say in October, that would be three Middle East peace treaties in three months. It would make not giving him a Nobel Peace Prize look pretty damn foolish since they gave one to Obama just for winning a presidential election and before he basically did to the Middle East what Antifa has been doing to Portland in recent months.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Points to Ponder:

For those who want to talk about prayer in the absence of doing something themselves, I have these ancient words of wisdom for you: "work as if everything depends on you, and pray as if everything depends on God." Note which of the two is listed first in the sequence. Prayer is fine of course but if you do nothing, you will get nothing: if memory serves that is the pattern of events in the Bible too. [Me (circa September 13, 2009)]