Points to Ponder:
The easiest way to avoid feeling the need to apologize for jumping to conclusions based on rash judgment is to stop jumping to conclusions based on rash judgment. [Circa January 22, 2019]
On Q, Conspiracies, "Patriots", "The Plan", Etc.
This is taken from a social media platform. My words will be in regular font. Without further ado...
We know for absolute certain that Q was never a larp.
We do?
There's way too many Q proofs and hat tips from the likes of Trump, Scavino, Pompeo and Flynn etc.
Or you are artificially imposing a pattern where one does not actually exist.
So, with that said, and in view of what happened today, I only see 3 possibilities:
There are more than three.
1) Q, Trump, Scavino, Flynn, Pompeo etc are all deepstate agents participating in a massive scam/psyop, for who knows exactly what reason.
Or some are agents while others are not and there is no massive scam/psyop involved other than Rudy Guiliani, Sydney Powell and Linn Woods' incompetent attempts to grift.
2) All those people are patriots, and there was a plan, but the plan has failed and perhaps patriots didn't have as much control as they thought.
You forgot the possibilities that (i) some or none are patriots and (ii) there was no plan. You brush up against probability when surmising that "perhaps patriots didn't have as much control as they thought."
3) The plan is still unfolding and patriots are still in control.
There is about as much "control" here as the 1986 Challenger explosion was a successful space mission.
Personally, I discount number 1. If the deepstate were always in control it doesn't make any sense that they wouldn't have installed Hillary and instead woken up millions of people to who they are.
Or you are hung up on the idea that Hillary is a necessary part of "the plan" when she is yesterdays trash and far less useful than you presume.
So, for me it's between 2 and 3.
I already pointed out that there are more possibilities than just the ones you noted.
Maybe I'm hopelessly optimistic, but I'm still leaning towards 3.
Well, the word "hopeless" does come to mind. For weeks now, I have told folks like you nothing was going to happen and that Trump was going to leave office on 1/20. The responses were always variations of gibberish grand plans with claims I had to "just wait" and "[I] will see when all is revealed" and all that jazz.
Wait another week when we will win this or that court case which never happened. Wait and see 45 days after the election when Trump will enact his executive order on election fraud and take federal actions which did not happen. Wait until we challenge the certification and get Trump delegates installed in the controversial states which did not happen. Etc, etc, etc.
Every time, it was yet another "just you wait" prediction which falls flat. And now, rather than just man up and admit you and others like you were raving and drooling fools engaging in fantasyland bullshit that was never going to be, you again play the "well, something has to happen" card. It is a desperate attempt to try and salvage something from the mountains of conspiratard drivel you swallowed in the naive hope that those who conned you were right all along instead of just admitting you were had. No one wants to admit that they were so gullible as to be fooled like this but the sooner you do, the easier life will be for you.
Trump seems to have 'given up' way too easily. He seems not to have played any of his 'Trump Cards' yet. He's never conceded and keeps insisting 'the best is yet to come'. We all know there's absolutely no way that life could possibly get better under Biden.
You presume there are "Trump cards" left to play. The truth is, the moment none of the cases were taken up by SCOTUS is the moment the train ran out of track. You have spent five weeks only fooling yourselves and now you cannot accept the reality that Trump is now a private citizen again and there is no plan to try and change that in the immediate future.
So don't give up yet folks. It may seem hopeless (and maybe it is). But I have a sneaking suspicion that it's not over yet and that the Trump Card has yet to be played.
And you will be played for a fool once again if you keep this up. Plugs is president now. Whether you like it or not, that is the reality you need to face and the sooner you do, the easier it will be deciding where to go from there.
Will any of those leftist lunatics who hyperventilated about Trump not turning over power apologize for their stupidity, admit they were morons, and acknowledge that no one should take them seriously again? Fat chance! We never got those concessions from the folks on the right who did the same shit with Obama. Many of those same leftists whined in like fashion about Bush43 as rightist douches whined about Clinton back in the day. Etc, etc, etc.
And yet not a few wonder why I do not take much of politics seriously but instead view it as less authentic than pro wrestling!
Today is the Biden/Harris inauguration. Gas is currently $1.95 per gallon. Interest rates are 2.25% for a 30-year mortgage. The stock market closed at 30829.40 though we have been fighting COVID for 11 months. Our GDP growth for the 3rd Qtr was 33.1%. We had a strong economy until COVID and it is recovering well. We have not had any new wars or conflicts in the last 4 years. North Korea has been under control and has not been testing any missiles. ISIS has not been heard from for over 3 years. The housing market is the strongest it has been in years. Homes have appreciated at an unbelievable rate and sell well. And let us not forget the peace deals with 4 countries in the Middle East that were signed with Israel.
Unemployment sits at 6.7% in spite of COVID. Joe Biden becomes president today at noon. Let us see how the next 4 years go...
American Thinker disables its comment section
Just a taste...
The demise of comment sections has been happening for a decade.
Publishers mostly were disgusted with the vulgar tone of comments, which they didn’t have the time to moderate, so it was easier just to shut it down.