Saturday, December 19, 2020

Points to Ponder:

Never take a full humidor for granted. In fact, never take anything for granted. 

Is it Morally Permissible to Use the Covid-19 Vaccine?

I am normally very hesitant to say much about the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) for a number of reasons. However, when the above article was brought to my attention shortly after its publication, I took some time to read it. I found myself very impressed by how the aforementioned article handled the issue of Covid and the issues of vaccines for Covid and their liceity (validity) thereof. 

As some friends and I have discussed the above matter in various and sundry private social media platforms in the past few weeks, it dawned on me this morning{1} that I had not publicly said anything about it. Considering the seriousness of the issues touched upon, I feel in the interest of ethics and charity compelled to do so now. I therefore give the material at the above thread my full endorsement.


{1} While posting other material to this site.

Seahawks have three weeks to keep this franchise streak alive 

Never Trumpers Play the Moral Authority Card on Anti-Lockdown Conservatives, Get the Responses They Deserve

It would be less than honest if I did not admit that I was #NeverTrump back in 2015-2016 including supporting Gary Johnson in that election. (Not a chance in hell was I going to vote for #Hildabeast.) But over time, my views of President Trump changed insofar as I both liked many of his policies but did not like him personally. In some areas, he governed a lot better than I thought he would. And I am unaware of any president who was treated as unfairly as he has been by the loathesome media industrial complex so that factor brings about a certain degree of sympathy from me for what he has gone through -even if some of it was self inflicted by not knowing when the hell to shut up. But that is neither here nor there.

Despite all of that and much more, I grew over time to dislike and eventually loathe Never Trumpers for the skeevy grifting pieces of trash most of them are. The above article is just one example of countless ones I could post showing the depths of mental and other sickness prevalent on these most disgusting of people. And may they never be given relevance again by anyone with a normal intact functioning brain.
Apostolic Letter Patris Corde of Pope Francis on the 150th Anniversary of St. Joseph Being Made Patron Saint of the Universal Church 

As someone with a personal devotion to St. Joseph, I am looking forward to reading this apostolic letter in full and reflecting on its contents.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

 More on the End of the Road For 2020:

This was brought to my attention after my most recent election musings were put up on social media the other day. My response to it is to follow. 

All the states have been certified.

Almost all lower courts are rejecting these cases on procedural grounds and the ones that are not are being appealed to courts that likely will. 

SCOTUS is rejecting election cases that come before it on standing.

The electoral college meets [tomorrow] to vote and they will vote as the certified states indicate.

The new Congress on January 6th will not fail to certify the electoral college results. From there, nothing stops #SkeevyAndTheHo from being sworn in at noon on 1/20/21.

The train has run out of track.

More on the End of the Road For 2020:

This was a response to my most recent election musings were put up on social media the other day. My response to it is to follow. 

2022 might be too late

For what? Secure the Senate January 5th and Biden is about to be the most ineffective president since Jimmy Carter and that is even before the 2022 bloodbath to come. And I am not even counting the about to be bigly gerrymandered district map which will lock Dems out of holding the House for about ten years. Whether it is Skeevy or the Ho after 2022, they will face opposite party control in both chambers and about half the country viewing them as illegitimate: not exactly a good recipe for effective governance.

On the End of the Road For 2020, Etc:

The path forward is clear now with no election cases even getting heard on merits; namely, pivot to Georgia. Win there, solidify the Senate, and prepare for 2022.

Remember, fraud makes a difference only in very close races. The way to fight it is by winning the governorships of MI, WI, PA: all of which are up in 2022. From there, there can be a push of Republican state lawmakers to clean up their state election system. The emphasis above all needs to be on vote security. 

And those thinking any other cases are getting past procedural rejections are only fooling themselves.